HM Prison Won Wron was a minimum security Australian prison located in Won Wron, Victoria. It was closed in late 2004.The State Government then announced a new program for Indigenous Adult Residential Diversion. The Program, is located at the former Won Wron prison site in Yarram, Gippsland, aims to rehabilitate Koori offenders.Young adult Indigenous males who have been placed on Community Based Orders and who would otherwise live in the general community while fulfilling that order can take
part in the program. Participants volunteer to “live-in” during the program which will help them avoid re-offending, improve job prospects, reduce substance abuse and improve their overall health.The program has been set up in response to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in
Custody (RCIADIC) and developed in partnership with Victoria’s Indigenous community.
DistonWastewater Technology installed a sewage treatment plant and irrigation system.