Diston Wastewater Technology


Sherbrooke Community School


Sherbrooke Community School


Sassafras VIC

Wastewater Treatment Plant Loading

4,000L /day 4,000 grams BOD/day

Completion Date


Sherbrooke Community School, situated in the leafy Dandenong Ranges, is a small Prep-12 government school that has been operating since 1985. With a capped student population of 150, students are grouped into four teaching teams; Prep – year 6, years 7-9, and VCE/VCAL years 10-12.

The school were having sewage odour issues near the library and surfacing issues around the school. Sewer and septic systems had reach end of life. DWW corrected the issues by installing a new sewer and venting system bypassing and crushing all septics and installing a trickling filter. The effluent was then reused in the animal paddocks.